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Many people want to know what to expect while volunteering and if it will affect their income. We have gathered together answers to the questions we get asked frequently here.

Why Volunteer?

Volunteering is important because it enables individuals to help others in a selfless way. When individuals volunteer they may choose to help people, support causes and provide assistance to their local community. Additionally, volunteering can:

  • Help maintain positive mental and physical health 

  • Help build interpersonal skills

  • Give opportunities to meet new people and possibly make friends 

  • Bring joy and happiness by giving opportunities to help others  

  • Provide new experiences, helping people discover their ideal career path

  • Allow you to stay up-to-date on any changes in working society

  • Provide stimulating challenges that can help you learn new skills in order to strengthen your skill set

Meet Jryna

Jryna Batters has a lot of experience within the third sector as she has volunteered so much of her time to many different organisations over the years.  She spends a lot of her time helping develop Viewfield Garden Collective which is a garden project that provides a peaceful place for vulnerable and disadvantaged adults in Skye & Lochalsh.

​You can watch Jryna talk about her volunteering story here. 

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Meet Sara

Sarah took part in our Skye & Lochalsh Neighbours and Friends Befriending service, where she and a volunteer build a good friendship. Which helped her gain confidence in her new home and in the new village she had moved to on the Island. As a result of her experience and gaining confidence she has now become a volunteer in SLCVO, as our proof reader.

To watch Sarah's volunteering story you can do so here. 


Befrienders Skye and Lochalsh

Befrienders Skye and Lochalsh is a volunteer befriending service for people aged over 18 who are experiencing loneliness and social isolation. We have around 30 volunteers supporting people across Skye and Lochalsh.  You can read about our service here and see our befriender volunteers stories here:


If you woudl like to become a volunteer befriender, there are many ways in which you can help:

  • Telephone befriending 

  • Face to Face befriending

  • Hospital and Post discharge befriending

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer befriender contact us on 01478 272058 or by email

volunteer faq.png

Many people want to know what to expect while volunteering and if it will affect their income. We have gathered together answers to the questions we get asked frequently here.

The Saltire Awards are the Scottish Governments national youth volunteer awards. They celebrate and reward the commitment, contribution and achievements of young volunteers aged between 12 and 25. 

Skye and Lochalsh CVO administer the Saltire Awards for the Highland Third Sector Interface in Skye, Lochalsh and Wester Ross. If you want to register for the Saltire Awards you can do it online here or email

Other Awards for Young People
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