Scottish Government website
Skye and Lochalsh Council for Voluntary Organisations
A Charity Registered in Scotland SC013885 and Company Limited by Guarantee SC0177372
Tigh Lisigarry, Bridge Road, Portree, Isle of Skye. IV51 9ER
Skye and Raasay Future Plan (SARF)
​Skye and Lochalsh Health, Wellbeing and Welfare Collaboration ​
SLCVO’s 2023 Third Sector review of Highland's Adult Services Strategic Plan highlighted the need for closer collaboration among third sector organisations and the public sector. The Skye and Lochalsh Health, Wellbeing, Welfare Collaboration Programme aims to:
Strengthen partnerships between the third sector and public sector, enhancing collaboration to improve outcomes for families, children, and individuals.
Develop an in-depth understanding of needs by engaging with local communities and third sector organisations.
Advance the understanding of the third sector through increased visibility and comprehension of their potential contributions.
Enhance holistic service provision through collaborative efforts, addressing the diverse health, wellbeing, and welfare needs of local communities.
Develop capacity building and sustainability within the third sector, ensuring that groups have the necessary skills, resources, and support to deliver effective services and projects, ultimately improving overall outcomes for beneficiaries.
Share innovation and Knowledge promoting continuous learning and improvement in service delivery and outcomes.
Connect member organisations to the broader community planning landscape, advocating for their interests, ensuring that outcomes for end-users are central to the planning processes.
Collaborate with the public sector and other funding bodies to improve access to funding by gathering feedback from service users, communities, and providers to assess funding effectiveness in meeting local needs
Supported by the Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) and funded by the Highland Council Community Regeneration Fund, the first 12 months of the programme will focus on laying the groundwork for success by:
Forming a Skye and Lochalsh HWW Collaboration group
Carrying out desk top research and community engagement to establish community need in relation to health, wellbeing, welfare and social care.
Mapping the third sector in Skye and Lochalsh to establish a baseline for current provision and create a third sector area profile
Connecting third sector organisations to the broader community planning landscape, ensuring awareness of relevant legislation and policy impact.
Developing a Collaboration Plan that will define the shared values, ambitions, and priorities of the groups.
Working with collaboration members to gain in-depth understanding of each group and support them in developing services
Facilitating Collaboration meetings, including tasks such as managing mailing lists, preparing agendas, hosting sessions, recording minutes, and distributing relevant documentation to stakeholders.
In years 2 and 3 SLCVO will continue to facilitate meetings and support the implementation of the Collaboration Plan
​​If you would like more information about the Community Collaboration Hub or would like to use our services to connect with the third sector and communities in Skye and Lochalsh email SLCVO Chief Officer Jo Ford or call 01478 612921.​
Purpose of Role: To support the development and delivery of evidence-informed resources for SLCVO and the Health, Wellbeing and Welfare Collaboration Programme.
Closing Date 12 noon 15th July 2024

In Highland there is a lead-agency agreement, with NHS Highland overseeing planning and delivery for all adult health and social care services, and the Highland Council children's adult health and social care services
Community Health Exchange (CHEX)
CHEX supports and promotes community development approaches to health improvement, supporting a network of community-led health organisations and their public-sector partners who are tackling health inequalities in communities across Scotland.
This project is part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund SLCVO Unrestricted Reserves and Community Regeneration Fund
The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills.’ For more information, visit UK Shared Prosperity Fund: prospectus - GOV.UK (