SLCVO Membership Application Form
SLCVO members are a vital part of the governance and accountability of our organisation. As a member you will receive discounts to SLCVO events, regular member mailings and opportunities to influence the development of Third Sector support in Skye and Lochalsh.
Skye and Lochalsh CVO members have important powers under our Articles of Association and the Charity Act; in particular, members elect people to serve as directors and take decisions in relation to changes to the articles themselves, members also have the right to attend our annual general meetings and other general meeting.
Data Protection
Your contact details will be recorded in our members database. Personal data (name, address and contact information) will not be disclosed to third parties. You will receive member mailings and from time to time updates on our organisation. Any personal information you provide (e.g. the name, personal email or home address of a main contact) will be held and used in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations. For a copy of our Privacy Notice download here or contact for a copy.
After submission please allow us 1-10 working days to respond to your application.
If you have any questions please email: or call 01478 612921