Scottish Government website
Skye and Lochalsh Council for Voluntary Organisations
A Charity Registered in Scotland SC013885 and Company Limited by Guarantee SC0177372
Tigh Lisigarry, Bridge Road, Portree, Isle of Skye. IV51 9ER
Covid-19 Support for Groups and Communities
SLCVO Back to Operations Check for Groups and Charities
If your group has ceased operations due to Covid-19 restrictions you will be thinking about when you can start services and activities again. What these will look like and how you can carry on running your group.
SLCVO can help you work through your questions and develop plans to get your organisation up and running again. We can help you look for funding to support your group and look at how you can meet your governance requirements while social distancing restrictions are still in place.
Our 'Back to Operations Check' will help you to decide if you are ready to resume activities/services. This check should be carried out in association with current government guidelines and advice from a specialist support organisation such as Youth Highland or Sports Scotland.
Download SLCVO's back to operations check list here
If you would like help completing your back to operations check SLCVO can host and facilitate an online meeting for your group. This service is free to third sector groups as part of our core funding from the Highland Third Sector Interface.
If you would like to chat about re-starting your activities/services or check your group is complaint to Covid-19 measures email book an appointment here or email
Reopening Village and Community Halls
As we move to lower Covid-19 Protection Levels. SLCVO along with the HTSI and other rural partners held an online event to look at what community facilities and villages halls need to consider when opening.
You can watch the event here and download the Reopening Village and Community Halls Guidance by CVS Caithness here
If you would like to discuss a support enquiry or see how we can help your group please go to our booking system here or email
Further Support for Community Groups
Scottish Community Development Centre
SCDC is the lead body for community development in Scotland, their online resource ‘Supporting Communities Safely’ provides advice on how to virus proof the fantastic things communities are doing and reduce the risk of indirect spread.
Youth Scotland Covid-19 Online Resource
Youth Scotland’s online resource has comprehensive advice and guidance for your groups from funding to Post lockdown Readiness Guide.
Sports Scotland Covid-19 Online Resource
Sports Scotland online resource has specific Covid-19 guidance on how to undertake sports safely, information on support for community sports organisations and advice on how to get facilities fit for opening.
Creative Scotland Covid-19 Online Resource
Creative Scotland have developed a dedicate funding and resource directory for those in the creative community who have been affected by Covid-19. It provides up to date information and news, as well as a Covid-19 focused Support for Scotland’s screen sector.
Scottish Government Guidance
A very wide range of activities are carried out across the voluntary sector, from early years childcare to sports groups and many will take place in community buildings. See the Scottish Government website, and links below for specific guidance relevant to your organisation.
Scottish Government programme for what’s allowed at different protection levels
Guidance for the safe use of multi-purpose community facilities during the coronavirus pandemic
Guidance on safer public spaces - urban centres and green spaces
Food Standards Scotland has some good information for food business COVID risk assessment
For the latest news and updates about Covid-19 response from the Highland Council. Advice and guidance about Shielding, Key Services and Business here
The Highland Third Sector Interface have set-up a dedicated website to support Covid-19 response groups and help volunteers. You can see which groups are operating in your area on the Community Action Register and sign-up as a volunteer here
Re-opening Village Halls
Skye and Lochalsh Council for Voluntary Organisations took part in an online Q&A session hosted by the Highland Third Sector Interface answering questions from village hall committees about re-opening.
You can watch the September 2020 and April 2021 videos here
The Volunteer Scotland website has dedicated information about Covid-19 including ways to volunteer, advice for groups and PVG guidance here
The Covid-19 Community Response and Resilience Report is a partnership study by Skye and Lochalsh CVO, the Highland Council and High Life Highland to:
Record Covid-19 emergency response initiatives in council wards 10 and 5
Map what services are continuing to support local communities
Identify what support local response initiatives require.
Download the report HERE
Covid-19 Community Response and Resilience Report