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S&L Health, Wellbeing and Welfare

What is the Skye and Lochalsh Health, Wellbeing and Welfare Collaboration?

The Skye and Lochalsh Health, Wellbeing and Welfare Collaboration (HWWC) is a three year third sector collaboration programme led by Skye and Lochalsh Council for Voluntary Organisations (SLCVO) that supports:

  • The development of a third sector health, wellbeing, welfare and social care services

  • Co-production and collaboration

  • Improvements in outcomes for families, children, and individuals

  • Community resilience and sustainable growth


Aims of the Skye and Lochalsh Health, Wellbeing and Welfare Collaboration

  • Delivering Joined-up Care: HWWC groups will work together, and with the public sector, to identify, develop and deliver third sector services that address the diverse health, wellbeing, and welfare needs of the communities in Skye and Lochalsh.

  • Improving Community Resilience: The HWWC will strengthen partnerships between the third and public sector, enhance third sector collaboration and improve outcomes for families, children, and individuals in Skye and Lochalsh.

  • Increasing Capacity Building and Sustainable Growth: The HWWC will support organisational capacity and sustainable development in the third sector. Ensuring groups have the necessary skills, resources and support to deliver effective services and projects.

  • Sharing Innovation and Knowledge: The HWWC will foster innovation and promotes continuous learning by facilitating the exchange of expertise, knowledge, and experiences.


Need for the Skye and Lochalsh Health, Wellbeing and Welfare Collaboration

In September 2023, Skye and Lochalsh Council for Voluntary Organisations (SLCVO) engaged with 37 organisations to review the 2024 – 2027 Adult Services Strategic Plan, which places third sector, community-led and “natural” support services as a key elements in person-centered care.


The review identified a number of key concerns for third sector organisations delivering health, wellbeing and social care support services in the area:

  • Many groups face sustainability issues due to short-term funding options leading to the creation of short-lived projects and an underlying sense of competition

  • There is no thematic network to advocate on their behalf, such as Skye Connect who represent businesses and individuals with interests in Skye's tourism

  • Public sector commissioning and funding is moving towards a place based structure, using Area Place Plans to determine funding priorities

  • Funders require substantial evidence of need, favouring services/projects developed through co-production and partnerships


Through further discussions with groups, it was agreed to investigate the establishment of a health, wellbeing and welfare collaboration for Skye and Lochalsh that could:

  • Bring together the third sector and advocate on their behalf

  • Engage with communities to better understand needs

  • Co-produce with the public sector to improve person centered services

  • Leverage funding and  capacity development opportunities

  • Work with the public sector and other community development bodes to ensure Skye and Lochalsh HWWC objectives, outcomes and solutions are part of area place based plans and funding


In March 2024, SLCVO hosted a community-led co-production visioning session, facilitated by Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) to consider:

  • What a good co-produced health and social care system in Skye and Lochalsh would look like in 5 years’ time and how this can be achieved. 

The session endorsed SLCVO to take the consortium forward as part of their Empower Skye and Lochalsh Programme, which focuses on enhancing collaboration and co-production.


Programme Activities

The programme will initially run for three years. In its first year, SLCVO will lay the groundwork for success by:

  • Establishing a cohesive third sector voice in strategic health & social care and community planning

  • Working with the public sector and other bodies to identify and improve funding and commissioning options

  • Carrying out desk top research and community engagement to establish community need in relation to health, wellbeing, welfare and social care.

  • Mapping the third sector in Skye and Lochalsh to establish a baseline for current provision and create a third sector area profile

  • Ascertaining how  health, wellbeing, welfare and social care needs align with the objectives and outcomes of national, regional and local plans, including community-led action/place plans, SARF and Lochalsh Collaborates

  • Connecting third sector organisations to the broader community planning landscape, ensuring awareness of relevant legislation and policy impact.

  • Developing a Skye and Lochalsh Health, Wellbeing and Welfare Third Sector Plan that will define the shared values, ambitions, and priorities of the consortium, and support the design and delivery of services where the third sector has the greatest potential to contribute.

  • Working with collaboration members to gain in-depth understanding of each group, ensuring their governance and cultures are considered when developing a formal consortium.

  • Developing a process for sharing information to third sector groups about funding opportunities, capacity development, training and skills opportunities, community planning, good practice and new initiatives.

  • Facilitating HWWC meetings, including tasks such as managing mailing lists, preparing agendas, hosting sessions, recording minutes, and distributing relevant documentation to stakeholders.


In years 2 and 3 SLCVO will facilitate Lochalsh HWWC meetings and support the implementation of the Skye and Lochalsh Health, Wellbeing and Welfare Third Sector Plan.

If you would like more information about the Community Collaboration Hub or would like to use our services to connect with the third sector and communities in Skye and Lochalsh email SLCVO Chief Officer Jo Ford or call 01478 612921.​

  • Highland Community Planning Partnership website  

  • NHS Highland Health and Social Care Partnership website

  • Skye and Raasay Future Plan

  • Lochalsh Collaborates Plan

  • Highland Outcome Improvement Plan 

  • Integrated Children's Services Planning Board

  • Highland Adult Services Strategic Plan 

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In Highland there is a lead-agency agreement, with NHS Highland overseeing planning and delivery for all adult health and social care services, and the Highland Council children's adult health and social care services

Read more here

Community Health Exchange (CHEX)
CHEX supports and promotes community development approaches to health improvement, supporting a network of community-led health organisations and their public-sector partners who are tackling health inequalities in communities across Scotland.

Read more about CHEX here


This project is part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund SLCVO Unrestricted Reserves and  Community Regeneration Fund


The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills.’ For more information, visit UK Shared Prosperity Fund: prospectus - GOV.UK (

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